

Performing Morphological Analysis

Method 1: One can create Analyzer objects on which the analyze() method can be run.

In [1]: import apertium
In [2]: a = apertium.Analyzer('en')
In [3]: a.analyze('cats')
Out[3]: [cats/cat<n><pl>, ./.<sent>]

Method 2: Alternatively, the library provides an option to directly run the analyze() method.

In [1]: import apertium
In [2]: apertium.analyze('en', 'cats')
Out[2]: cats/cat<n><pl>


Performing Morphological Generation

Method 1: Just like the Analyzer, One can create Generator objects on which the generate() method can be run::

In [1]: import apertium
In [2]: g = apertium.Generator('en')
In [3]: g.generate('-cat<n><pl>$')
Out[3]: 'cats'

Method 2: Running generate() directly::

In [1]: import apertium
In [2]: apertium.generate('en', '-cat<n><pl>$')
Out[2]: 'cats'

Installing more modes from other language data

One can also install modes by providing the path to the lang-data using this simple function::

In [1]: import apertium
In [2]: apertium.append_pair_path('..')


Performing Translations::

In [1]: import apertium
In [2]: t = apertium.Translator('eng', 'spa')
In [3]: t.translate('cats')
Out[3]: 'Gatos'